Santa and his friends were set up at a shopping center directly across from a Sprinkles. He enjoyed meeting the reindeer, but kept asking me for chocolate birthday cake and was trying to run to Sprinkles.
After a short stay in line...we were first (yeah!) Ben finally saw Santa! He was yelling "hi Santa" with the biggest smile....until we got closer. Then it looked like this:
Luckily the pictures were free (with a North Texas Food Bank Donation) and the photographer was great - John Hudson Photography. He tried very hard to get a good shot.
To make things better, we finally got that Sprinkles cupcake.
And had a picnic of CF at Caruth Park. I think the May family would have enjoyed this outing!
Hopefully next year it won't be so traumatic. I am actually ok with the screaming pictures - I am pretty sure is a rite of passage in childhood.
Don't worry, Hanukkah pictures to come soon when we charge the camera battery.