Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Beach Body

From the pregnancy, my love of Rocky Road ice cream, 12 weeks of colic and finally a sleeping baby, we have decided that it is time to get back in shape. Going to a gym is still hard without a nanny or sitter, so we are starting the POWER90 work out. It is an at-home boot camp. We started this weekend and after ONE 29 minute work out we were already sore. It says you should take before and after pictures from all angles...which we did, but are not crazy enough to post online, so here are ben's before pictures. I think his thighs need the most work.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Mark's mom gave us a few SHAMWOWs. The Shamwow guy Vince Offer is reason enough to buy them. I personally like him better than the constantly yelling Billy May. I decided to clean the kitchen with one and guess what? THEY REALLY WORK. I highly recommend them to everyone. Don't buy them on TV though. Apparently she got them at Costco and it was a great deal. I will be buying more.

If I knew what chemicals were in them I would put them in Ben's diaper at night so it would stop leaking! Maybe they could make SHAMWOW diapers.

I told you this blog would be about important stuff!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


This blog is a tribute to an All-American classic as well as a tribute to our little guy, Ben. We have decided to waste what little extra time we have by entering the "blogosphere." Hello all you blog geeks.