Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ben meets Santa and his Reindeer

Ben finally met Santa and his Reindeer - real, live reindeer. He has been obsessed with Santa this winter.

Santa and his friends were set up at a shopping center directly across from a Sprinkles. He enjoyed meeting the reindeer, but kept asking me for chocolate birthday cake and was trying to run to Sprinkles.

After a short stay in line...we were first (yeah!) Ben finally saw Santa! He was yelling "hi Santa" with the biggest smile....until we got closer. Then it looked like this:

Luckily the pictures were free (with a North Texas Food Bank Donation) and the photographer was great - John Hudson Photography. He tried very hard to get a good shot.

To make things better, we finally got that Sprinkles cupcake.

And had a picnic of CF at Caruth Park. I think the May family would have enjoyed this outing!

Hopefully next year it won't be so traumatic. I am actually ok with the screaming pictures - I am pretty sure is a rite of passage in childhood.

Don't worry, Hanukkah pictures to come soon when we charge the camera battery.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The last few weeks

Ben has been very busy the last few weeks...going to museums, baking cookies, painting, celebrating birthdays, planting flowers and more!

Thanksgiving 2010

Ben and Ava

Ben and Ava had another date recently. They had so much fun together. Thanks Ava for lending Ben your Little Mermaid doll. She has had many baths, meals and sleeps in his bed most nights.