Friday, March 27, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ben and Grandma Enjoying a Dandelion

Ben likes watching the dandelion leaves fly away

Ben Playing Catch, Soccer....and Human Foosball

Ben, the All-American soccer/foosball/catcher???

Friday, March 20, 2009

a few hundred pics from the past few weeks

marge (grandma) won't let us delete any pics, so enjoy!




Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ben's first swim

benjamin went swimming today for the first time and he was a shark. He was half man, half amazing.

Friday, March 13, 2009

benjamin one year ago

Here is an ultrasound of Benjamin one year ago. I was 12 weeks pregnant and it was the first time he looked like a human inside me! All of the ultrasounds before this he looked like a pinto or lima bean. I love this picture becuase he is all head and tummy. He was kicking and rolling around that day and it was so so much fun to see him!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tooting is cool

Apparently tooting in a dressing room is cool if you are 6 months old. Earlier this week Ben and I were at Anthropologie and I needed (yes, needed) to try on some clothes and it was also time to nurse Benjamin. We were sitting there nice and quiet which was odd to me because usually he sounds like a gremlin when he nurses. Then, it, big person sounding toots - a bunch of them. I heard a few women chuckling outside of my dressing room so I tried to make it obvious a kid was in the room with me, but I am pretty sure they all thought it was a grown woman ripping them in the dressing room. awesome.

Monday, March 9, 2009

6 Months Old

It's hard to believe benjamin is already 6 months old! He has changed so much in the past few weeks. He now has 2 teeth, weighs 19 1/2 pounds, can sit alone, uses his thunder thighs to crawl like an inch worm all around the living room and loves to go under the couch and sounds like a terradactyl. Not that I know what one sounds like, but the noises that come out of this kid must be similar to what a dinosaur sounded like.

Some of his favorite activities currently include: eating, playing with caramel (the dog), eating, crawling, grabbing everything, eating, taking short naps, cuddling with his mom and dad.

Here are some pics of the last 6 months. It was very hard to pick them, so I only picked from the 9th of every month.








**still need to upload from the camera!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ben's Ode to Van Damme

Ben is a big Jean Claude van Damme fan and wanted to re-enact the scene from Kickboxer where Zien drops the coconut from way up high during the ab training session for his upcoming fight with Tong Po....come on, you know you remember!?!

He thoroughly enjoyed this workout and wants to share it with you....
p.s. if no one has seen this movie, i'm including a link to one of the most memorable scenes. If you have 2:27 minutes of your life to waste, you will not regret it. Who doesn't want to see Jean Claude dirty dancing....then subsequently beating up about 15 guys?.....btw, he's doing all of this wasted!!!!! caroline mentioned earlier, this blog will be about really important stuff like this.

Click here to watch the clip