Monday, April 27, 2009

Cotton on my heiny

Benjamin and I thought it would be a great idea to experiment with cloth diapers...and you know, it is pretty easy. He proposed this idea because cotton feels so much better on his rather large heiny (and the 12 jelly rolls under it) and even though people think there is some black hole that all trash just disappears into, he is VERY smart and really knows that his diapers are adding too much junk to his kids' and his kids' kids' earth (this is the part his mommy will be made fun of for!).

So far he has been wearing disposable seventh generation diapers which are great for outings and trips...but would rather try out a few different brands including wool and cotton diapers from imse vimse, little beetle and bumgenius. It is really not too much trouble and still gives his very busy parents enough time to watch celebrity apprentice and millionaire matchmaker.

Ben is pretty happy about this (and his homemade baby food). He did say that if anyone makes fun of his parents for being "granola" he won't be too happy!

He is excited to pose for some pics sporting his new undies soon...


  1. Tell me how it goes and I might consider doing the cloth diapers. I am definitely up for making our own baby food... especially sonce we aren't there yet :)

  2. Several of my friends LOVE bumgenius! Let me know how it works out!

  3. oooh... apparently kelly was still logged in is me!!!

  4. Ben must be VERY smart. I am impressed!

  5. just as an aside...i am so glad that ben allows you the time to watch millionaire matchmaker, as tonight's episode was particularly entertaining!
